Research Group on Conflict and Institutions from a Comparative Perspective – Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales (IEPRI – Institute of Political Studies and International Relations) – Universidad Nacional de Colombia
The objective of the group is to reflect on the Colombian political system from a comparative perspective with countries of the Andean area, so as to contribute to a better understanding of the features and major challenges faced by democracy. The group’s studies on the political systems and democracy are undertaken at three levels: Bogotá, Colombia, and the Andean Area.Some of the studies to be carried out include the project on “Rural Property, Political System and Institutional Roadblocks” in the framework of the program “Observatory of Restitution and Regulation of Agrarian Property Rights”, financed by Colciencias as a result of the public request for proposals No. 543 of 2011.
Group MUSA.IMA – Universidad Sergio Arboleda
It is part of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) of the School of Mathematics of the University. The group MUSA.IMA is associated with Colciencias and is responsible for managing, organizing, disseminating and performing research in the areas of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Meta-Mathematics. Director of the Research Group MUSA.IMA1: David Blázquez Sanz.http://www.usergioarboleda.edu.co/matematicas/investigacion_ima.htm
Public Law Research Group – Universidad del Rosario
The objective of the research group is to establish policies, strategies and actions to strengthen scientific and educational research and set research priority lines by means of a broad participatory process within the academic community.The Jurisprudence Faculty of Universidad del Rosario is carrying out the project on Institutional Designs for Regulation of Agrarian Property Rights in Colombia, a Comparative Perspective, as part of the line on Legal Systems, Constitutional and Protection System of the Public Law Research Group.
Director of the Public Law Group: Camila De Gamboa Tapias. Group Class A1 of Colciencias.
Law and Political Science Research Group -Universidad del Norte (Class A1 Colciencias)
The academic and scientific efforts of the Law and Political Science Research Group (GIDECP by its acronym in Spanish) are based on a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach on the assumption that the law and politics must be confronted with the context of other environments in human life in society, culture, economics, healthcare sciences and sociology, among others. This group was born from the interest of the professors of the Legal Sciences Division of Universidad del Norte in contributing from academia to the improvement of their local, regional and national environment. The group is comprised by a group of professors with training in research and master’s and doctorate degrees and academic experience, reflected in their intellectual production resulting from reflections made in academic life.